Meet our Keynote speakers

Meet our Keynote speakers here


Prof. Laia Canals
Department of Humanities, Open University of Catalonia (Spain)

TITLE OF THE KEYNOTE SPEECH: “Effective feedback practices in online and hybrid contexts”

DATE/TIME: Friday 2nd July, 9:15 CET

Prof. Laia Canals has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (2007). After working as a teacher of Spanish and academic writing at Hunter College, Brooklyn College, and NYU, she was a professor in the Department of Language Teaching at UAB. She is currently a professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) where she coordinates English and MA courses for the MA in Technology-Mediated Language Teaching and Learning and does research on task-based language teaching and learning mediated by technology.


Prof. Carmen Holotescu
Dean of the “Ioan Slavici” University of Timișoara and Director of the Center for OE and Blockchain (Romania)

TITLE OF THE KEYNOTE SPEECH: “Open Education & Blockchain”

DATE/TIME: Friday 2nd July, 11:30 CET

Prof. Carmen Holotescu is a Professor and Dean at the Faculty of Engineering, Director of the Center for Open Education and Blockchain part of the „Ioan Slavici” University of Timișoara, Romania with a PhD on new technologies and open education. She has participated in many European projects and has a rich experience in designing and implementing learning and collaborative platforms based on open pedagogies. She has written over 100 articles and chapters/books related to eLearning/Blended Learning, Social Media, Open Educational Resources (OER), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and Blockchain, mentioned in more than 1,500 citations. She is an online certified instructor of the University of Maryland University College, USA, facilitating for 12 years online courses at this university.

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