The OPENLang Network project’ partners organized four (4) Multiplier Events (ME) in order to disseminate the project’s results. The first ME has been organized by PIXEL in conjunction with the International Conference “The Future of Education”. During each ME the project’s partners explicitly described the project’s outputs. All project’s partners participated in all four ME. In addition, there were at least two invited external keynote speakers in each ME (a total of 9 external experts). Each invited speaker presented a topic that was related to the OPENLang Network objectives. Each ME lasted for at least four hours. A total of 200 users participated (outside of the project’s partners) in the four Mes.
All MEs have been videorecorded (after asking for the consensus of the participants) and uploaded on the OPENLang Network YouTube Channel.
Three (3) Workshops/Webinars
The project’s coordinator (UOM) organized two e-Tandem Language learning workshops on 2 December 2021. The workshops took place both in morning and afternoon in order to suite participants’ time schedules. Invitations for participating in the workshops were sent to language learners and teachers by email. Project’s partners UOM and CUT invited language learners and teachers from their universities. Thirty-three (33) participants attended, participated, and collaborated in the two e-Tandem Language learning workshops.
Also, all project’s partners organised a dissemination event in the Erasmusdays 2020 about the project and its results. More than 200 people attended the webinar.
OPENLang Network Project Conference Presentations
In addition to all previous dissemination channels, OPENLang Network project’s partners presented the project’s aims and results in various forums such as Erasmusdays 2020, Erasmusdays 2021, MoodleMoot 2020, MoodleMoot 2021, Erasmus Infodays AUTH 2020, European Day of Languages, etc.
Moodlemoot 2020 and 2021
Erasmus Days 2020 and 2021
OpenLang Network at ErasmusDays 2020 & 2021
OpenLang Network at ErasmusDays 2020 & 2021
Erasmus Infoday @ AUTH
In the past, Erasmus Infodays were annually organized by Erasmus Offices. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, this type of events has been weakening. OPENLang Network project participated in such an Erasmus Infoday at Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki on 2020.
OpenLang Network at Erasmus Infoday at AUTH, 2020
OpenLang Network at Erasmus Infoday at AUTH, 2020
OPENLang Network Project Brochures & Flyers
During the first stages of the project, informative Brochures & Flyers were created in three languages (i.e., English, Greek, and Italian). These Brochures & Flyers present general information about the project, aims and objectives, target users and stakeholders, consortium partners, etc.